Self care is a radical act
I’ve been working on an essay about a couple of things that help me and the people around me understand chronic illness more – Spoon Theory, and Sick Woman Theory. Continue Reading →
I’ve been working on an essay about a couple of things that help me and the people around me understand chronic illness more – Spoon Theory, and Sick Woman Theory. Continue Reading →
Recently I wrote about the struggle I’ve been having getting adequate healthcare. That post resonated with a lot of people. It’s a very common story. I thought I’d give a Continue Reading →
After my post about chronic illness being a fulltime job, and how hard and exhausting it can be, a few people asked me – how do I manage to self-advocate? Continue Reading →
So you’ve got a chronic illness? Shit’s about to get real. Here’s something I can say with completely certainty: the “system” (multiple systems) can, and will, let you down. You Continue Reading →
“I tell people, oh, I’m organising Naked Girls Reading, and they go: whoa what’s that? and I’m like… Naked. Girls. Reading. How else can I put this?” – Genevieve Fowler
I just wanted to write a quick update on where I’m at with the medications changes I’m going through. As I said in part one and two, it’s been really fucking Continue Reading →
A couple of years ago, upon meeting an MP, I asked her how on earth they manage not to just yell at each other in the House. She frowned at Continue Reading →
Today I was walking through the middle of Nelson, on the main street, just past 5pm. I was abused by a bunch of guys in a car, with far more Continue Reading →
So I’m at the sweaty, mostly inconsolable stage of Venlafaxine withdrawal, which I wrote this post about last week. I’ve been looking for ways to describe what it’s like. Last Continue Reading →
I’m in the midst of yet another medication change. At this point it feels like it’s a constant state of flux – going on one thing, going off another, always Continue Reading →