“My vagina is depressed!”
I was never a Sex In The City gal, but even I remember the iconic episode where Charlotte gets diagnosed with vulvodynia. It’s poor representation of a misunderstood condition, but it’s Continue Reading →
I was never a Sex In The City gal, but even I remember the iconic episode where Charlotte gets diagnosed with vulvodynia. It’s poor representation of a misunderstood condition, but it’s Continue Reading →
It has been another horror week for news of violence against women. This morning, I learned the name of the man who committed a heinous crime. It was a name Continue Reading →
Abby Norman was never going to have a ‘normal’ life, no matter how much she may have wanted one. And she really, really did.
My immediate response when I try to search the Mines of Moria of my memory is usually a 404 error, and trying to think about the whole past year crashed Continue Reading →
A few days ago I attended a funeral. I’ve been trying for weeks to write something about kindness and why it matters. Everything seems trite, not enough, or like it Continue Reading →
At first glance, this might sound like a horrible threat. But since the moment I heard it, it’s become a comforting mantra.
Some posts take a few hours to write and then I hit publish with ease. Others take weeks and every time I go to push the button I just freeze. This is one of those Continue Reading →
For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with the need to constantly achieve. A deeply felt belief that productivity = worth. I hear a relentless voice telling me to do Continue Reading →
AND NOTHING’S CHANGING. This weekend is the Green Party AGM. That means it’s been exactly a year since Metiria Turei went public with the lies she’d told in order to Continue Reading →
My sex ed at school was rudimentary at best and focused very much on the many ways in which you could get pregnant and/or STIs and/or die. Not exactly the Continue Reading →