GiggleTV – your sexist jokes are not making me laugh
This might seem pretty small in the scheme of things, but I want to draw your attention to something that’s been upsetting me for a while. It’s called “GiggleTV.”
This might seem pretty small in the scheme of things, but I want to draw your attention to something that’s been upsetting me for a while. It’s called “GiggleTV.”
Two days ago I got an email from a very frightened sounding woman. I want to help her. Can you help?
This is a reproduction of my column about tattoos and regulation in Nelson for the Nelson Mail, published by them 25 June 2014.
There’s two things the New Zealand political scene doesn’t need right now. One: Another “party” led by men. Two: Another joke party.
“Brilliance, it seems, is the product of a well-rested mind, not artistic all-nighters.”
I get some pretty hilarious (awful) comments on my columns and most of the time I don’t engage. I also don’t usually make a point of singling someone out, but Continue Reading →
It’s been a tough week. I’m on hiatus from most online activities at the moment, trying to give myself some headspace to do some thinking about… well, life, I guess.
Unsurprisingly, the stories keep coming. Of course they do. We all have one.
I can’t share my stories, for many reasons. My stories are stories I cannot face, because the terror and the shame has not faded. My stories are stories that echo in the women around me.
‘A female writer cannot afford to feel her life too clearly. If she does, she will write in a rage when she should write calmly.’