Confessions of a Lingerie Addict, Pt 2
Summary: Lingerie as a Trojan horse for feminism, or: Hiding politics in your panties. (If you haven’t read Part One, I suggest doing so. It’s right here).
Summary: Lingerie as a Trojan horse for feminism, or: Hiding politics in your panties. (If you haven’t read Part One, I suggest doing so. It’s right here).
The record we’ve all been listening to is so scratched to shit it can only play one song. Spoilers: it’s the wrong one.
Weddings are my feminist, capitalist, hates-events-and-especially-hates-planning-them Nightmare. So… why *am* I doing it?
This blog brought to you by a weird mashup in my head of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, feminist thought, history vs present, and writing
I remember vividly the episode of The Simpsons where Homer, attempting to suppress his rage, causes golf ball-sized lumps to erupt under the surface of his skin. Like a fury-fuelled Continue Reading →
I’m the first to admit that I put the people, media and even brands I like on a pedestal. Which only means they have that much further to fall when Continue Reading →
Inclusivity shouldn’t just be a buzzword, and it shouldn’t be put in the ‘too hard’ basket. It’s neither of those things – what it is is opportunity, for everyone involved. Continue Reading →
The tyranny of misleading Netflix thumbnails, some casual misogyny, and what happens when women actually get to be in charge. (Spoiler alert: it’s awesome).
In my years of blogging I’ve tackled a lot of personal topics. I did that because I believe in talking about shit, even if it makes me vulnerable. Because when Continue Reading →
Blame the bots? We’re relying more and more on algorithms to regulate our lives – but what happens when they get it wrong, sometimes with catastrophic results?