This woman stopped taking her medication
… you’ll never believe what happened next!!!
… you’ll never believe what happened next!!!
I see a lot of misinformation about antidepressants and how they work., so I wanted to try and address some of that.
I have OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. And, bizarrely, it’s one of the few mental health disorders that have been so normalized by current society that, when you tell people you Continue Reading →
I’ve written a bit about sex and disability before, but that was a long time ago and recently I’ve spoken with few people about their experiences, so I want to talk Continue Reading →
I talked to the amazing Ailsa Lipscombe for Folks this month. I had to edit a lot of the interview down, but I think she said so much interesting stuff, Continue Reading →
The People’s Mental Health Report, resulting from a review lead by ActionStation, is yet another nail in the coffin of New Zealand’s mental health system. It is damning evidence of what we Continue Reading →
New Zealand is looking at following in Australia’s footsteps and making all codeine-containing products prescription only. I don’t think this is the right solution.
I’ve been working on an essay about a couple of things that help me and the people around me understand chronic illness more – Spoon Theory, and Sick Woman Theory. Continue Reading →
Recently I wrote about the struggle I’ve been having getting adequate healthcare. That post resonated with a lot of people. It’s a very common story. I thought I’d give a Continue Reading →
After my post about chronic illness being a fulltime job, and how hard and exhausting it can be, a few people asked me – how do I manage to self-advocate? Continue Reading →