Education is failing women
My sex ed at school was rudimentary at best and focused very much on the many ways in which you could get pregnant and/or STIs and/or die. Not exactly the Continue Reading →
My sex ed at school was rudimentary at best and focused very much on the many ways in which you could get pregnant and/or STIs and/or die. Not exactly the Continue Reading →
When it comes to complaining, many New Zealanders cling tightly to their British roots. They’d rather die than send their soup back. But sometimes, sending the soup back is absolutely Continue Reading →
The Queer Art of Failing Better is Laurie Penny’s latest take on millennial culture, where she unpacks the good, the bad, the questionable and the queer in the Netflix show Continue Reading →
Someone I was speaking to recently described themselves as “allergic to mindfulness” – And I thought god yes, me too. But I was wrong.
In some ways, I am not the best person to write about this book. I am wary of taking up space with my Pākehā voice. Not everything is for me, Continue Reading →
I don’t usually watch Shortland Street, but last night I tuned in about halfway through. In the closing scene, a woman is collecting some takeaway food. The male server offers Continue Reading →
Except I do, of course. And I bought this one because of three things: the title, the cover, and the recommendation. I didn’t know anything about it.
I am never going to stop caring about spilled milk. And here is why.
I know, I know: don’t judge a book by its cover. But when they’re as hauntingly beautiful as this one, it’d be remiss of me not to acknowledge it. It Continue Reading →
While I was interviewing him for a different story, Dr Richard Doehring casually mentioned that he was “host to a colony of hookworms.” His tone was gleeful. I thought, wtf?