“How soon until I die?”
Sometimes, people’s courage astounds us. Sometimes, we look at people and think ‘How are you still standing? How are you still going?’ Bird By Bird – Some Instructions on Writing Continue Reading →
Sometimes, people’s courage astounds us. Sometimes, we look at people and think ‘How are you still standing? How are you still going?’ Bird By Bird – Some Instructions on Writing Continue Reading →
I finally got my copy of this year’s Sport. There’s a few things in it that left me gasping. Maria McMillan’s exploration of ‘consent, choice, and complexity’ is one of them.
#NZBookMonthMay is a response to the indefinite postponement of NZ Book Month. The future of many local literary events is looking less than bright as commercial sponsors withdraw support. So Continue Reading →
When I first got sick, I used to make jokes about my extensive medicine cabinet, which, at that point, was a drawer with about three packages of pills in it. Continue Reading →
I’m reading a book about writing. I do that a lot. It’s a good excuse for not writing, because at least I’m reading about writing, so I’m doing something productive, right?
One of other Very Important Things I did while I was in Wellington was go with a whole bunch of wonderful people to the Te Papa Tyrannosaurus exhibit. I love Continue Reading →
Let’s be honest. I needed a kick in the ass. I asked for one, and I got… lots. So that was pretty good.
Last week I was lucky enough to go to Wellington and spend some time with some really incredible people. I arrived home utterly exhausted and completely exhilarated. How Does It Continue Reading →
Here’s this week’s Nelson Mail column.
To Do List Open current writing project document Check Twitter and Facebook Laundry Find cardboard boxes suitable for cloning and/or time machine Check Twitter and Facebook Scroll all the way Continue Reading →