A small announcement
I’m pleased to be able to tell you all that I’m now writing an opinion column for the Nelson Mail.
I’m pleased to be able to tell you all that I’m now writing an opinion column for the Nelson Mail.
Trigger warning. This post contains discussions about rape. I have two experiences I want to share. They are difficult experiences, obviously. It makes me feel faint with fury and physically Continue Reading →
Trigger warning – This post discusses rape. Further – it contains spoilers for the Divergent book and movie. It probably will make no sense to you unless you have read/seen both. Continue Reading →
‘Remember. You are an eloquent disabled feminist beneficiary. You are the stuff of their NIGHTMARES and they are SCARED.’ This is what a very good friend of mine said to me a few Continue Reading →
I have a stalker. I considered putting the above in quote marks, because I don’t want this to really be about my situation, though of course it is personal. What Continue Reading →
A couple of days ago I was driving in Nelson and I saw this ad in the window of a local coffee house. Not the world’s best photo, but hopefully Continue Reading →
This is my Guide for How To Not Be Creepy on Twitter. It is a response to my own experiences, and includes notes contributed by others. The Guide is mainly Continue Reading →
Time To Change is a UK organisation operating under the tagline “Let’s end mental health discrimination.” Ok, cool. No issues with that. On February 6, they’re running an awareness-raising campaign Continue Reading →
I’m currently seeing a clinical psychologist. There’s a few things I’m focusing on with her, and one of them is distress tolerance. If you follow me on Twitter, you will Continue Reading →
Talking to you is like forcing myself through a very small hole in a barbed wire fence with the small brained certainty that the field on the other side is Continue Reading →